Statistics & Research about Eau Claire,WI - United Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Eau Claire,WI an area served by United Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 715-835-7777

Car dealers nearby United Insurance Agency Llc

Prestige Auto Corporation

Eau Claire,WI
Phone: 866-780-2918

Eau Claire Ford Lincoln

Eau Claire,WI

Real estate research for area nearby United Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Downsville 96,500 306 3.8
Chippewa Falls 119,800 612 6.1
Fall Creek 134,000 646 5.8
Hay River 157,500 525 4
Cooks Valley 185,000 725 4.7
Edson 133,000 733 6.6
Peru 173,400 625 4.3
Washington 195,200 735 4.5
Gilmanton 150,700 750 6.0
Tainter Lake 185,300 823 5.3

Number of whites in places near by United Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Downsville 130
Chippewa Falls 13091
Fall Creek 1223
Hay River 578
Cooks Valley 809
Edson 1093
Peru 216
Washington 6901
Gilmanton 338
Tainter Lake 2580
Eau Claire County 92174
Tainter 2664
Tilden 1157
Rock Creek 935
Union 2452

Number of vacant houses in places near by United Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Chippewa Falls 610
Fall Creek 33
Hay River 13
Cooks Valley 15
Peru 5
Washington 64
Gilmanton 23
Tainter Lake 203
Eau Claire County 2434
Tainter 185
Tilden 8
Rock Creek 20
Union 66

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by United Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Chippewa Falls 126700
Fall Creek 125000
Cooks Valley 9999
Edson 98300
Peru 95000
Washington 142200
Gilmanton 112500
Tainter Lake 140500
Eau Claire County 140200
Tainter 140300
Tilden 159700
Rock Creek 108300
Union 231700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by United Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Downsville 4
Chippewa Falls 165
Fall Creek 17
Hay River 9
Cooks Valley 44
Edson 31
Peru 16
Washington 274
Gilmanton 7
Tainter Lake 38
Eau Claire County 1903
Tainter 62
Tilden 31
Rock Creek 38
Union 79