About : Headwaters Real Estate is in the heart of Vilas County in pristine northern Wisconsin. This is the page of Peggy Johnson Wiessner, Broker/Associate.
Description : I purchased Headwaters Real Estate in 1979, when I opened my combined real estate and law office in beautiful "downtown" Presque Isle. In May of 2007 I sold the business to my daughter Bonnie, but remain an active agent and attorney.
12379 County Road W, Presque Isle, WI 54557
Distance: 5.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Check out this new listing, just minutes past the Wisconsin border, and nestled on 11 pristine acres. Wonderful, low maintenance home\/cabin perfect for your "up north" outdoors dream.
My latest blog... Thank you EMS and all military service men and women.
A little update on a Big project by the Presque Isle Community Garden -- great for our community! It goes goes to show... there's never a dull moment, even in little 'ole P.I.